Ventilation classic
In the case of a conventional ventilation (CMV single flow) between the outside air directly into the house through the depression created by extracting air from wet rooms (bathrooms, kitchen, laundry). openings, usually made of windows, so lets go outside air that will immediately cool the atmosphere in winter or overheating in summer.
System Dual flow to ventilate without cool
In the case of a house very well insulated and completely air tight it would be unthinkable to make "holes in the walls" for fresh air. However, it is not possible not to ventilate his house for reasons of humidity control, renewal of oxygen ...
is why, when you think about the double shift system seems obvious.
The principle is simple: Provide air entering the heat of the exhaust air.
Some figures
I enjoyed making a little chart to get an idea of the gain provided by a dual flow coupled (or not) for a Canadian well:
We realize that, even with moderate values voluntarily return to the well and the VMC (80%), the temperature of fresh air is considerably improved. This automatically implies a significant reduction in the need for heating (or cooling).
As part of our project we will use this method for a minimum of wasted calories in renewing the air. If our field permits (which does not seem to be the case) we would associate the system to a Canadian well to temper the incoming air but I'll explain this in a future article.
The investment is not negligible (around 2500 euros), but this principle seems to be the basis of a home eco-logic!
PS Not being a specialist in the field, I am open to any comments on this article and on my particular table.
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